This morning started off nicely. We lounged around in cozy clothes and I made pancakes for Beth for Mother's day. She got a card from me that showed a husband lying back in a recliner thanking his wife for taking care of him. Oddly appropriate right now I thought. I drew on the card and added a spirometer and a heart pillow. Nathan gave Beth a new 'I Love Mommy' bib, wrapped in one of his blankets, since he can't use scissors to cut wrapping paper of course.
This afternoon we packed up the diaper bag, a backpack of other supplies and the umbrella stroller and headed for Target Field to celebrate Mother's Day with the Twins and the Orioles. This was Nathan's first Twins game and my first game since surgery. I had no trouble walking and just took it easy with lifting the backpack. For some reason wearing the backpack made my back a little sore, but otherwise I did alright. It was great to be out. Kudos to Beth for doing all the heavy lifting (Nathan) since I could not.
He did better than we expected playing in Mom's lap, drinking a bottle, and even sleeping for almost an hour during the game. Around the 8th inning he was awake and starting to get fussy. We were impressed by how long he made it, and didn't mind leaving a little early and beating the crowd a little bit. It also helped that the Twins were ahead 6 to nothing. We made it back to the car and listened to the last few at-bats on the radio on the drive home. Now we're all tuckered out and will spend the rest of the evening taking it easy at home.
Happy Mother's Day!
Sounds like a good time was had by all.